Revolution of Personal AI with

Generative AI is the beginning of the next revolution of brining technology closer to humans. Thats because of its application and the ability to offer enhanced personalisation and more intimate user experience. Generative AI has the capability to absorb huge context from expert areas, areas of science, politics and day-to-day tasks to provide on-demand “sound” and comprehensive intelligence.

GenAI will change the way we interact with technology and services. Every user experience usually starts with search, first we need to search to be able to action, whether its looking for flights, looking for information, googling information, flicking on your phone looking for the right app or content. with GenAI, we can now speak/type the “search” part of the user journey to find the direct answer. Search always resulted in multiple options that we need to go through and filter out the relevant thing we looking for, but with GenAI, we only get one response which in many cases is damn close to what we are looking for, so whats left is the action part:

– Think → Search → Filter → Action

now it is more like

– Think → Ask AI → Action

“GenAI is the new UI”, this is more and more becoming true. If you think about it, UI/UX is essentially an information finding and navigating experience. Before we needed to see a lot of information then click around to find what we looking for. A lot of work gone into the science of UX to come-up with the most effective way of finding information, but there is no better UX experience better than user saying: “Give me this”, and the system goes: “here is that”. This means that a lot of the GenAI- enabled applications in the future will be greatly enhanced in the way it serves its users.

What else is being replaced by GenAI apart from the search experience? the answer is a lot. Already programmers are writing plain english to be able to run code. Photo-shopers are building art with plain english and we are going to see a lot more of that in the future. The future is about acceleration, customisation and rapid performance towards the user desired outcome. is taking this concept to the next level, we are providing a leading user customisation experience never been offered before in the AI personalisation space. We are allowing everyone to create their AI representation; their UTHEREALAn Ethereal version of You“. Each one of us is going to be able to create their UTHEREAL and provide it with their expert information, thoughts, desires, habits and anything else they choose to share. This enables them to create their UTHEREAL as an end-point, a chat interface or a program that allows them to make available for others to engage with. UTHEREALs can be used to make life easy for its human, it may be left behind for others to interact with, it maybe made available as a consultant to interact with, which we see could make its human value or money

The big question; is AI going to “replace” humans or “accelerate” them? @UTHEREAL we believe in the latter. We want AI to accelerate humans rather than replacing them, we however also believe that AI will replace some of the actions humans have to do to go about their day-to-day and this is why we believe more on the “accelerated” and not the “replaced” view. We also believe that if you are building an AI company today to offer services on the “accelerated” side, there are going to be a lot more exciting work to do. We are very excited and frankly can't wait to blitz the market and go on to show what else we have in the works.

Why UTHEREAL is on the “accelerated” side? we chose that because we believe in the future we want to build, we want to build super/accelerated humans, we do not want to replace them and distill them to empty shells of bitter nothingness. We want to make humans do, create more, invent and innovate more, quicker and better and in a more efficient and fulfilling way.

“accelerated” opens up Pandora's box of what a human can do with AI on its side and we have countless examples and use-cases of what could this look-like. We are starting with the usecase of making your expertise available and contactable, allowing you to be able to serve more of your audience or monetise your expertise and this is only the beginning

The winner is the one offering the most accelerated human experience & capabilities (In a privacy-preserving way)

Same as anything, the more and better you offer the more you lead. UTHEREAL’s vision is to empower and accelerate humans and we know the race that we have entered. Building for acceleration is a huge AI war with customisation, accuracy, promptness and privacy. Below are the key pillars

Customisation: AI should be managed and guard-railed with customisations, these can come for the human or by design to protect the human

Accuracy: Truth and Fact are going to play the most important rule in defining the future history. As we all know history is written by the victorious and good AI will have to be trained or provided with the right information

Promptness: Each human-acceleration aspect will require a different setup, building with this in mind will be vital

Privacy: I cant stress this enough, your UTHEREAL is secret, the expertise and what it know about you should not be leaked anywhere or to anyone. Today’s users are more tuned to privacy and more aware of it. With AI, its an all or nothing game, its your AI vs the Jack-off-all-trades AI (ChatGPT and the like) as you create value and uniqueness about you from your AI, you need to make sure that no one else is stealing or can benefit from it but you. @UTHEREAL we are ALERT about this and it is one of our foundational and core tenets

What can I use UTHEREAL for?

We are building the best platform that allows you to build your own very customised AI representation with the purpose of making your AI-self (UTHEREAL) a reality. Your UTHEREAL can be your life companion and you can do a lot with it

  • Make your voice opinions and knowledge available: Creating your AI representation can make you available to more people. Our Customers are, lawyers, teachers, consultants, experts, educators, doctors and influencers are some of the prime users of this capability

  • Monetise you expertise: if you are an expert in some area or a professional who can benefit others as they consult them, your UTHEREAL can be a monetisation tool for you. Content creators and high specialist are the best users for this

  • Build your Organisational Knowledge and expert areas: You can consolidate and build your organisational knowledge through UTHEREALs, any small-large organisation can benefit form this to make its data assets more valuable. Enterprises tried to make this happen with BigData and DataWarehouses, but I know for a fact how much of a return on investment that turned out to be, lots of times, it was disappointing

We are extremely excited to launch UTHEREAL to the world and work with our customers to change the world


CEO & Lead Architect


Data Processing Challenges for RAG-based Applications